The first meeting with our Dutch collegues was last year on April 10th in Bracciano. Here a photo of that meeting.
08th -13th MARCH 2011
8th MARCH 2011
We left from Ciampino airport at 10.00 and we arrived in Weeze airport at 12.10a.m. There Eduard and 5 host parents picked us up and took us to Hoogeveen. We had an appointment in front of the school at about 03.00 p.m.
At school we found all the families and children and some teachers waiting for us and we had a welcoming party with some cakes made by the Dutch parents. Later we had a look of the school and we went home with the host families and our partners.
Our teachers, Ms Dionisi and Ms Aristei were accompanied to their hotel.

9thMARCH 2011
At 9.00 we went to school with our Dutch friends to follow the daily lessons. Some of us followed Dutch language with Mrs Ymie Krozen, the Dutch teachers and other the other subjects.
At 1.00 p.m. we went to visit a wind mill in Hoogeveen , we went there by bike and we enjoed it a lot. At the mill, our English teacher, Ms Dionisi, translated what the mill owner was explaing in English. We learnt how they did and do flour.

Later we went to the town-hall where one of the 4 assessors explained us about the young unemployment.
10th MARCH 2011
We went to school at 09.00 a.m. to follow the daily lesson and at 11.00 we left for a cow farm to know how they milk the cows in an industrial way. At the farm we were divided in two groups so that we can better follow the steps to milk and to deliver milk. We saw how the cows are milked by a robot: they themselves enter into this machine when they are ready to be milked and that is twice a day. After we went to see how cheese is made in an industrial way.
After the tour of the dairy we had a taste of the best cheese made in Drenthe.
After our visit to the dairy we went back to Hoogeeven for a football match in the sport accomodation near the school.
We arrived at school at 8.00 and followed a lesson of History during which the History tracher taught us about the pre-historical way fo burying the deads. She showed us about Dolmen and asked some questions about it. She also showed us pictures about the 2nd world War. Our English teacher Translated the most difficult parts for us.
Then we left for a visit to the hunebed centre in Borger.
In the afternoon we visited the former concentration camp Westerbork and we saw a film, an exibition and the camp itself. It was very sad to know about people in the concentration camp.
Then we went to Hoogeveen at school to celebrate Eva’s birthday
We got up very early because we left for Amsterdam by train. At 9.30 we arrived to Amsterdam and we went directly to the Anna Frank House. There was a guide who explained us Anna Frank’s life in that house, she described the house and she raccomanded not to touch and to speak loudly. Our English teacher translated all the guide told us and we started our visit at the house.
Then we went shopping in the main commercial street in Amsterdam.
After that we took the train and went back to Hoogeveen where we had a good-bye dinner with our host students and parents.
We showed the presentation we made and the video, too and our English teacher, Ms Dionisi , spoke to thank everybody with emotion.
We were a bit sad because we knew that the day after we had to leave.